
Interactive Experience

A Story Rooted in Brand Purpose
Client: Centene
Services: Experiential, Brand Marketing
Year: 2022
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Experiential, Brand Marketing
experiental centene delivering an interactive story rooted in brand purpose 05

Centene, a Fortune 50 company and the largest Medicaid managed care organization in the U.S., partnered with us for an experiential installation in their corporate lobby. Their mission, rooted in improving individual health, guided our design concept.
We faced the challenge of depicting Centene’s evolution from a small-scale operation to a healthcare leader. Our solution? A large interactive display using a single, large format LED screen, segmenting Centene’s history into three interactive zones. These zones, representing their origins, impact, and future vision, were brought to life through proximity-triggered, interactive motion graphics.
The installation’s design, from the pacing of the digital storytelling to the hyper-directional audio, was crafted to engage visitors. Each element, including ambient digital content and visual animations, highlighted Centene’s brand ethos and serves as an impressive piece of digital art.
“The digital installation in Centene’s corporate lobby successfully conveys the company’s history and simultaneously highlights their focus on individual care. This interactive experience blends environmental design, interactive design and digital storytelling to create an intimate connection in a vast public space, illustrating Centene’s dedication to each individual’s health journey.


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