
CONNECT 2021 Conference

Design Meets Performance Art
Client: Cvent
Services: Experiential, Entertainment
Year: 2021
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Experiential, Entertainment
experiential cvent connect 2021 conference animation 07

Cvent CONNECT, renowned as one of the leading event technology conferences, presents a unique challenge each year: to blend effective strategy with creative execution. The 2021 conference sought to integrate live performance art into its opening segment, aiming for an experience that was both informative and inspiring.

Tasked with this endeavor, leftchannel focused on developing animated modules that would synchronize with Mo5aic’s opening anthem, a key part of the conference’s live performance. The goal was to create a visual journey that mirrored the energy of the live act, enhancing the overall attendee experience.

Our approach centered on motion branding and brand strategy, ensuring the visuals not only complemented the live performance but also aligned with Cvent’s dynamic brand in motion. The design process required agility and adaptability, enabling us to integrate engaging visuals that resonated with the performance’s vibrancy.

The final product was a conference opener that harmonized with the live performance’s intensity, contributing to an enhanced event entertainment experience. This project was an opportunity to showcase our capabilities in delivering cohesive and impactful conference video content and animated entertainment.



Beyond 2020 Conference Design


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